Page name: Castle of Darkness & Destruction [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-09-17 01:21:41
Last author: de Morte
Owner: de Morte
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Castle of Darkness and Destruction 


<*img.*> For the code, add it to your homepage!!!

Special thanks to [Nazarath.93] for this banner!

Welcome dearest friends and darkest foes, you have stumbled into my castle.
Don't be afraid there are only vengeful ghosts and hidden passages.
If you stray then there will be no way to find you.
Inside this castle you can not orb to any place... or for that sake you can not orb on these grounds only I may orb,and that is because my family cast the spell in our family blood.
I, [de Morte], am the mistress of this place and have been for hundreds of years, only I know the many secrets of this place.
Now enter and rest (leads you in to the grand hall) stay as long as you wish, and please, do not kill the servants, humans rarely come to my home, you may drink their blood though.

Once you enter my house hold there are only a few rules;
1 No killing of the servants
2 Do not get lost (I will not look for you)
3 Please refrain from damaging the furniture, if there is a fight though, this can not be helped
4 No cybering although sexual references are allowed
5 Spell locked rooms are to be kept closed and will result in injury or death of you part.

New Members!
Please go to Castle of Darkness & Destruction Points

Point System</b>
For many services done and jobs finished I will award you points. I will list you points and name on a different page
Castle of Darkness & Destruction Points
when you reach 50 points then I will post a comment on you new rank.

Note there is no limit to the ranks as of this moment, but if I need to, then there will be a limit


We now have a sister Wiki †vampires†!!!

A Little Description...
Well if you would like a quick tour... I haven't finished this page so I will give you a very general layout. There are 5 floors in the main building and a tower thats roughly 10 stories, its very calming (although the servants aren't allowed up there, they might jump)Please don't mind if there is a bit of a mess there if you decide to go.

^West hall- Torture rooms and the dungeons
^North hall- Workout rooms
^East hall- Feeding chambers

First floor;
^Main entrance
^Grand Hall (North)
^East Wing- Guest rooms
^West Wing- Servant quarters

Second floor;
^East Wing- Library
^West Wing- offices & study rooms

Third floor;
^Family bedrooms
^Locked doors

Fourth floor;
^Locked doors
^Magic rooms
^Spell rooms

Fifth floor;
^Locked doors
^Storage rooms

^Graveyard is behind the castle to the east
^In the basement(east) there is A particularly strong ghost
^The stables are in the front west of the castle
^There are many groves and woods surrounding the castle grounds.
^The Castle is on a higher level than most of the rest of the surrounding land.
^There are three villages around the castle
   ~Talon is the closest at six miles to the south
   ~Arrowwood is the next closest at fourteen miles east
   ~Solenthine is fifteen miles to the southwest;vid=47133658

I, among a few others, have noticed that this wiki is getting nowhere.
So now I decided that every week or so (however long it takes) there will be tasks to complete. Whoever wins these tasks (there may be multiple winners) will get points and their ranks may go up!

Missing: </b>

Username (or number or email):


[de Morte]: Hello my little ones, please enter and become a member, i'm sure this will be very entertaining.

[Nazarath.93]: hello sister, yes this will be entertaining. i hope many fresh humans come here (servants make nice cattle).

[de Morte]: lol yes they do younger brother but remember the rules, drink their blood but spare their lives, unless of course you can bring in multiple humans to ...well live i will make a few exeptions to the rules... aka furniture.. i'm not yet finished with this site but i will update it when i need to ...otherwise if you see any errors please report them to me so that i may fix them... and if you have anything that you think should be on this site just message me and i will try my best to fix/add it and banners will be welcome... if you ever feel like making one (nazarath) i will try to finish yours soon...

[de Morte]: so anyways welcome into my castle *offers you a glass of fresh blood* you will have a room in the eats wing it has a wonderful veiw of the graveyard.

[†SYN†]: *knocks on the door as the lightening strikes above her head, and looks down as the water drips from her hair to her combat boots*

[de Morte]: *gets the door* ahh i see you may need a place to stay... enter and be welcomed

[†SYN†]: *walks in and looks around* thank you, I see there isn't much action as of now, is there anything I can do to help?

[de Morte]: well as of this moment it seems to be very quiet.. but if you will come and rest for a bit have some fresh blood *offers some as i lead you to the dinning hall* if you would like to stay in a sweet there are some in the east wing with a graveyard veiw (yes nazareth yours is a sweet too)

[†SYN†]: *takes a glass and fallows you* are you sure, I can get some more beings form my mansion, I'm sure they would enjoy it.

[Nazarath.93]: *appears from shadow and throws hair out of face* welcome to my sisters castle. *takes fresh blood and dirnks it*

[de Morte]: *smiles* well that would be wonderful i would really appreiciate the company... as long as this place doesn't get too crowded... i'm afraid that it gets to be a bit confusing ... lol

[†SYN†]: Yes I understand *greets Nazarath with a nod and keeps walking*

[Nazarath.93]: *sinks back into shadows and dissapears*

[de Morte]: well if you would like a quick tour... I haven't finished this page so i will give you a very general layout... but there are 5 floors in the main building and a tower thats roughly 10 thats very calming.. although the servents arnt alowed up there... they might jump... so don't mind if there a bit of a mess... well anyways on the first floor there is the main enterence leading to the grand hall (3 stories tall) and there are some private meeting rooms and servent passages.. they lead almost everywhere, many offices are located on the north wing 1st floor, servents are west hall all guests are in the east hall(better rooms) unless there is some kind of conflice resulting in a change,

[de Morte]: 2nd floor north are libraries and study rooms, (basment; north is workout...west is torcher rooms and dungeons east is feeding chamebers..if you bring live servents of your own and would like to keep them away or for private feeding)

[†SYN†]: Sounds very well constructed *puts the empty glass down*

[Nazarath.93]: *appears out of shadow walking upside down on the ceiling* so, syn, what are you? if i may ask.

[de Morte]: i'm not quite finished and i will add the description to the page when i have it better off...and yes there are more places then the main building and many secret passages... i know most of

[†SYN†]: *looks up and smiles* "I am a barer demon, Not mant know of me, I am the only one since time's existance.. In a simpler form I am a vampire, that can take any demons form, and power."

[Nazarath.93]: *floats down from ceiling and sits down in chair*

[de Morte]: *joins nazarath* i have the descriptions and/or links to them in the points page... it keeps track of the points and the members

[†SYN†]: *watchs Nazarath then looks away* "The barer demon's blood is the most pure you would ever taste, but a huge chain of reactions can occur to any human or demon form" *shrugs and keeps looking away*

[de Morte]: i believe that the internet has shutt off on nazarath's end

[†SYN†]: I must go good bye everyone I shall return when i find the time to type again

[de Morte]: very well then i will see you at an other time *waves* i better get going too..i'll be on tomorrow!!!

[Nazarath.93]: interesting, but i wonder how powerful a barer demon is. Would you care to fight me tomorrow when you come back? dont worry i will be gentle and ill try not to hurt you....

[†SYN†]: *walks back in and rolls her eyes* "i do not fight unless the time calls for it, that and if you piss me off I will fight you. But please dont" *sits down*

[Nazarath.93]: as you wish excuse my impulsiveness *bows*

[†SYN†]: "do not bow, It is I who should be bowing"

[Nazarath.93]: i dont deserve that level of respect, to have one bow to me. no i am not your master dont bow.

[de Morte]: *re-enters room* you are of equal ranks and station bowing it of no importance here... *servant passes and gives everyone a glass of fresh blood before exiting* ....*mumbles* i have so few servents...and the ones i have are broken and ...boring...*stops mumbling* but anyways...

[Nazarath.93]: *skin turns pitch black and i look like a standing shadow, then the shadow turns into almost fifty bats, the bats fly away into the shadow and dissapear*

[de Morte]: *looks off at nazarath* i guess he didn't want any blood...*sigh*

[Nazarath.93]: *bats appear from shadows and form into nazarath* im sorry just showing off sister *takes blood*

[de Morte]: *smiles faintly* well last night ... or morning as i slept i relised that i could hear some really anoying laughter... my hearing can be ohh so sensitive at that time... well if you could do me a favor and get rid of that noise maker it would be a ton of help...

[Nazarath.93]: well at least you asked nicely...

[de Morte]: lol it was from the town i believe... some woman... they should know by now that i don't acept so much happieness... fools...*sigh*

[Nazarath.93]: some women scream while getting fed on, i make some scream that loudly.

[de Morte]: my dear brother i don't mind screams... it's the high pitched laughter the grates on my nerves

[Nazarath.93]: like my physchotic laughter....

[de Morte]: lol unless you have a womans laugh...( i'm setting a task lazy!!!! if you want points... ) then i'm sorry

[Nazarath.93]: *evil bloodthirsty laughter*

[de Morte]: *sigh* .: wonders to self:. why is it that boys can be so dense??!?? .:stops:. now little brother will you help me with this... or not....

[Nazarath.93]: dense..ohh not very not very frienly sister. but yes ill help.

[de Morte]: lol well what am i supposed to took you too long so yeah...

[Nazarath.93]: oh well, but what is it my sister wants of me?

[†SYN†]: *finishes her glass and stares at it as it frezzes over and brakes the glass. the glass shards fall on her. she looks down and heals her small wounds and waves her hands into font of her and forms teh glass good as new* "sorry"

[de Morte]: no problem... little brother take her and bring her to the castle... we are ever so low on servents...

[Nazarath.93]: the woman who was screaming?

[†SYN†]: *puts the glass down and walks to her room*

[de Morte]: yes little brother... *sigh* .: why do boys have to be... :.

[NightTheOwl]: Nice Wiki You Created

[de Morte]: thank you , would you like to join?

[Nazarath.93]: my my seem a little agitated.

[de Morte]: lol sorry brother ... schools taken it's toll... among other things...

[Nazarath.93]: *once again turns into the bats and flys down to the town below*

[†SYN†]: *walks back to everyone and greets them with a small nod.*

[de Morte]: ok well i'm banned from the internet but i can still access it so yeah... wow this place gets quiet w/o me......anyways on with the RPGing...

[Nazarath.93]: *giggles wickedly then says in an extremely dark voice* its a ghost town in here....

[de Morte]: yes it is... watchout when ghosts pass it's usually pretty chilly *smiles sweetly* now if i were you i'd avoid the basement in the east wing... my ancestors caught a hunter and decided that that should starve him to death (only giving him water) and slowly drain him of his blood until he got to be too weak.. then they forced him to drink some of our blood and keep him Just far enough from the poor slaves that he could never drink... it took years for him to die.. lasted pretty long though.. but his ghost is still there.. and still wanting to kill us... death by freezing yeah that will happen he has a very weak spiritual energy btw...*giggles*

[Nazarath.93]: ive been to the east wing, the hunter is by far the most unfriendly thing in here next to you on a miserable day sister.

[†SYN†]: *walks around in circles then greets everyone* "greetings Sorry I have been gone for a while, I have been at my other mansion... lease excuse my absence" *sits down in a chair and stares off into space*

[Nazarath.93]: it does get very lonely in here, with only two people to be with you sister you must sleep alot.

[de Morte]: lol i never sleep anymore brother i only drift and read... venturing out to hunt *sighs* ahh well it's nice to have company for a change... and syn i don't mind the absence *smiles* at least i have two active guests *gracefully nods head indicating both of you*

[Nazarath.93]: u will always have me to accompany you sister.

[†SYN†]: I can get more people to become active members.. *she looks at De morte* I can also make your wiki become a sister wiki with †vampires†.. of course if its okay with you..

[de Morte]: yes that would be wondeful!!!!

[†SYN†]: okay.. I shall have more people coming soon *disappears in a puff of smoke*

[de Morte]: lol you can't do that!!!! lol

[de Morte]: it's in the 1st paragraph of this wiki!!! lol *smiles*

[†SYN†]: *reappears* "sorry I could not help it Seeing that I'm an upper demon an all" *she sits down again*

[de Morte]: lol ohh i had it mentioned in the first paragraph but you cannot orb(in any way) in this castle...i'm not trying to be rude or anything but it was a nusence to my ancestors... BUT you can fly, change(into a bat, cat, exc...)or do what ever... i have no problem with that... just thought i'd set that straight...*smiles*

[†SYN†]: "I'm deeply sorry, I can forget many things" *bows head*

[de Morte]: no need to bow it was only a simple mistake...anyone could make it *smiles*

[Nazarath.93]: ive always wondered why nobody is allowed to orb, sister please enlighten me.

[de Morte]: when this place was first built we were the first family to live here... as the decades wore on more and more visitors came and more and more enemies were made... when our great great great grandmother was 6months pregnant someone had orbed into her room and killed her and the child... it was one who was never suspected... so not long after that orbing was banned from this place... for protection and to keep this place from becomming too confusing... that person was never caught...

[de Morte]: in all the years that this place has been no one has lifted the ban... and i don't think it will ever be lifted....

[Nazarath.93]: oh well, but i have no farce with shapeshifting. what about slow teleport maybe the person was using that?

[†SYN†]: *lifts her head up* "well I must be going, I have much to do.." *she walks out of the castle noding slightly*

[de Morte]: *waves to syn* well brother teleporting is a form of orbing isn't it? i use the term orbing in a very general light...

[Nazarath.93]: well, slow teleport is an old custom long abanodoned by the clerics of the clergy. You see, a person casting Slow teleport can move from one area to three in one hundred times slower speed than normal walking. This may seem useless, however if a person used this they could be moving slowly from 3 areas, and be completly invisible to all three places. If the Murderer used that then he/she could very easily escape, anyways i think if they were slow teleporting they would leave a certain trail and scent of the other two places, all we have to do is find the trail and follow it, then maybe you can have your revenge.

[Nazarath.93]: oh and by the way, dont be mad at me but i slow teleport alot around this castle, it helps me find my way, and since its really not the same as teleporting i dont think it could be considered orbing.

[de Morte]: *sighs* Brother Avianus's husband, the father of that child had teleported into the room as soon as he felt the death of the child, if the killer had used slow teleport then they wouldn't have the time enough to use slow teleport....

[Nazarath.93]: yes but truly if they were slow teleporting they could of instantaneously been in another 2 places, and invisible to anyone but himself no matter what spell had been cast. Therefore he could be in that room still, to be safe i would still look for a trail.

[Tainted_blood]: *knocks on door looking pitifull and alone in the rain outside hoping someone will answer*

[de Morte]: *answers the door* hello and welcome *shows you to main hall*

[Nazarath.93]: *small devilish laughter* welcome.

[†SYN†]: *shapeshifts back into her normal form. and smirks showing her sharp teeth*

[Nazarath.93]: wicked syn, but nice touch with the fangs

[†SYN†]: *she stops smiling and looks at nazarath*

[Tainted_blood]: *shyly* hi *I look mesmorized with the shear size of the main hall* I've never seen a place like this before

[Nazarath.93]: my sister's side of the family was the first ones here, her ancestors built it rather large. But dont worry as long as you dont go down any hallways, or open any locked doors without permission, you wont get lost.*laughs devilishly* and trust me you dont want to get lost.

[†SYN†]: *jumps on to a ledge and watchs everyone from above and kneels down as she slowly begins to hum*

[de Morte]: * looks around and decides that everyone looks a little pale* well what a better way to share greetings the over some...*slave walks in holding a platter with four cups and a pitcher of blood* well blood *smiles widely*

[Nazarath.93]: hmm dinner is served. sister shall i open the banquet room, after all it is quite elegant.

[de Morte]: go ahead brother

[†SYN†]: *jumps down and looks around some more*

[de Morte]: *looks to angel* if you would like to explore go ahead, just remember the rules...

[Nazarath.93]: *opens the banquet hall* dinner is served, ill call the servents sister.

[de Morte]: thank you brother *looks around i'll wait untill the guests get here *fades away*

[de Morte]: *fades back into the shadows of my suite and changes into a long black flowing gown with a black "widows hat" and shadow wings ...

[Nazarath.93]: *appears in a fine, gothic red and black suit, with a long crimson and black cape*

[de Morte]: the black dress is velvet with a deep red-black backing and black "fuz" it is low cut and shows clevage... i put on long black gloves and i slip on black swead platform/highheel boots *fades back into the far shadows of of the banquet halls unseen untiliwish to be seen...and wait*

[Nazarath.93]: *puts on a white kabuki mask, with black lines and syymbols on it*

[†SYN†]: *walks to her room and shuts the door*

[de Morte]: *sits on the ledge in the back of the room looking for and strayhumans that may pass....*

[Tainted_blood]: *I wander slowly through some of the hallways listening to the strange noises the walls and doors make compared to my last home*

[de Morte]: *gets bored and decides to terrorize the town below*

[Nazarath.93]: *appears from the shadows behind angel* boo.

[Tainted_blood]: I thought I heard someone behind me *I say without looking back* I mean Eekk

[Nazarath.93]: i didnt think i would scare you. but i wasnt trying to. *smirks* your missing the banquet.

[de Morte]: *looks around Fossil Rose,thetown below, and finds nothing of interest... decides to return home...fades*

[†SYN†]: *walks around her room, randomly picking up things. she finally lays on her bed and closes her eyes(

[Nazarath.93]: *sits at the table and drinks blood*

[Tainted_blood]: *sits at the table still looking at the wonders of this massive home simply sipping on a glass of blood*

[Nazarath.93]: still amazed by the size of the home?

[de Morte]: *walks out of the shadows and sits at the head of the table*

[Tainted_blood]: Yes In fact I am and its just amazing ... I have honestly not even ever seen a place like this untill now

[de Morte]: *smiles* ohh this is just the main grounds.. then there is the western side of the estate and the graveyard as the other... places... i havent quite finished the layout, but it's by far not done

[Nazarath.93]: almost a hundred years ive been acquainted with this place and still even i am amazed by it.

[Tainted_blood]: theres a ... graveyard???.... I'll be back later!!! ...*boots it outta the room to the graveyard*

[de Morte]: *smiles* young ones...

[de Morte]: so dear friends, satan's birth day is comming up...

[†SYN†]: *walks out of her room and wonders around to the main hall and looks around*

[LastDecember]: ~opens the door and a flash of cold wind enters the room~ oh my..sorry everyone. ~closes door and stands there in her purple kimono in a slight awkard way~ 

[Nazarath.93]: well sister, we have another guest *smiles wickedly*

[de Morte]: *smiles* enter my dear guest

[LastDecember]: hello...~shakes the rain off her luminous wings and steps closer~ is quite big in here

[Tainted_blood]: *sits on the ceiling looking down on the newcomer with my ever watchfull cat like eyes*

[de Morte]: it is comfortable come... *mentally calls...:brother please show our newestguest around:...* i am sorry that i cannot give you the tour but if you have any questions regarding this place i will help you if i am able to do so...

[LastDecember]: ~smiles slightly~ it is fine...but where do I stay?

[Nazarath.93]: *thousands of bats appear behind Lastdecember then form into me* come ill show you around.

[de Morte]: show out newest friend to one of the rooms in the east wing...

[LastDecember]: ~turns around and sees the last bat fly into place~ if it isnt too much trouble..

[Nazarath.93]: not at all, just stay close *smiles devilishly* we dont want you getting lost.

[Tainted_blood]: *lurks in the darkness behind lastdecember*

[LastDecember]: oh yes of course ~looks slightly over shoulder~ i can sense you...I have psychic powers ~taps her forehead and walks with her guide~

[Nazarath.93]: *opens the door to a grand room, with a gigantic bed and a perfect window veiw* these will be your living quarters i trust you enjoy your stay, if your a vampire there is a coffin under the bed.

[LastDecember]: im an angel...I dont require one however its a wonderful room thank you very much ~bows~

[Nazarath.93]: *bows back* talk to my sister if you wish to learn your way around the castle. Remember to not get lost. *turns into mist and dissipates from room*

[Tainted_blood]: *thinks to self* an angel hey? well... this might be interessting *Dissapears into the darkness once more and I swiftly find myself once more inside the great hall*

[Nazarath.93]: *appears behind angel* yes it could be very interesting if she has any crucifixes.

[Tainted_blood]: *turns to Nazarath* but of corse... anything to do with angels is interessting though... I find them to be very interessting creatures

[Nazarath.93]: yes quite. However in the presence of a crucifix vampires tend to get somewhat irritatted

[Tainted_blood]: well of course but it has happened to me so many times I seem to have grown immune to everything ... or I just dont care anymore

[Nazarath.93]: yes, but around me crucifixes only irrittate my mind, not my flesh.

[Tainted_blood]: ah they dont even irritate my mind anymore... not for a long time

[LastDecember]: i might be an angel but that doesnt mean i have any crufixes. I happen to be the angel of the shadows...I was cast out...

[Nazarath.93]: oh forgive me, i lost track of our conversation that i forgot that youwouldnt have a crucifix. Sorry just a side thought.

[Tainted_blood]: aww I was hoping you would have at least ... i did not just say that out loud did I??

[Nazarath.93]: *laughs* yes you said it out loud.

[Tainted_blood]: ... darn haha ... *drops from ceiling spreads wings... yes I have wings... and spirals to the floor* weeee that was fun heehee

[Nazarath.93]: *turns into millions of bats and fills the room* i dont need wings, i can become bats.

[de Morte]: *enters room* sorry about my absence my dears *bows head* i have.... been busy...

[Tainted_blood]: *plays with wings amused by the spikes at the tops* eeheehee sharp ... I mean ... hello... :D

[Nazarath.93]: well this is fun

[LastDecember]: ~emerges from room with loose sheer black clothing~ hmm you have spikes on your wings? hmm...strange...but my sword is nicer than those spikes...

[Tainted_blood]: ah but my wings can be deadly weapons heehee ... if I want them to be ... and a sword is sooo not as creative as sharp wings i mean come on heehee and... I can get away with these heeheeehee*flies up to ceiling and clings to it* eeheehee

[LastDecember]: ~unsheaths her double sided broadsword~ really now? this beautiful sword can cut through anything...and I mean can even cut through the air to create teleporting holes to other places. ~lifts its heavy weight easily and the dim candlelight shines on the curved blade~ this lovely sword is the reason i was thrown out of Heaven...

[Nazarath.93]: *eyes catch a glimmer of the sword* very very nice. Ive seen this blade before though, probably in some myth or ledgend. Whats its name?

[Tainted_blood]: very nice ... but still not my weapon of choise... I like to be original... different ... you know *evil grin*

[LastDecember]: Her name is Egbert. Hmm this baby happened to be sealed away in Heaven. Anyone who touches it looses their mind and uses this sword to kill themselves. I'm the only one who has survived its power.

[Tainted_blood]: kill myself??...hmm I wonder how that would work ... since...Im...DEAD !!!! heeheehee *walks on ceiling and walks down the wall*

[LastDecember]: youd still lose your probably dont even have one anyway heh. ~laughs to herself and flies up into the air~

[Tainted_blood]: no I have one ... Im just already insane ... and u shouldnt call me stupid because I could outsmart you anyday *dissapears*

[Nazarath.93]: the dead are so entertaining. *laughs to self*

[de Morte]: *looks at nazarath* hypocrite

[Nazarath.93]: hehe, i didnt say i wasnt sister. see what i mean entertaining *devilish laugh*

[de Morte]: i prefer my silver dagger tipped whip myself, but i am quite acurate with any weapon i come across...

[Nazarath.93]: hehe just a point of wonderment, can anyone here do this *cuts wrist and the dripping blood forms a sword*?

[de Morte]: *smiles gently* dear brother... *forms a ball of pure shadow in my palm and changes it into whatever weapon i feel fit...* it cannot harm me nor anyone who is on my side, anyone who is cut by it the wound takes 3 times as long to heal then normally... and no healing spell work ....

[Tainted_blood]: *to prince nazarath* hey I can do that ... sort of *cuts wrist and only bleeds*... Im sorry I just really needed a reason to do that heehee ... but I can do this *pulls vein out of arm and uses as whip* heehee grosses out the opponent AND is really handy heehee get it handy!

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